Kinderheilkunde: Untersuchungsanlässe und Krankheitsbilder
: A representative sample of 800 patients was taken from 15,000 children treated between 1972 and 1984 in the Department of Pediatric Ophthalmology of Frankfurt University Eye Hospital. Their charts were reviewed to answer two questions: what are the most frequent reasons for ophthalmological examination in children under 15 years old and what are the most frequent diagnoses? Ophthalmological examinations were most frequently scheduled because of strabismus, errors of refraction and trauma or inflammation of the anterior segment, though also in a large number of cases because of general diseases, most often neurologic diseases such as epilepsy or elevated intracerebral pressure. The diseases diagnosed ophthalmologically were classified as congenital or acquired eye diseases and congenital or acquired general diseases with ocular symptoms. The most frequent are indicated in the text. Acquired diseases were more frequent than congenital diseases, though this group proved to be much larger in pediatric patients than in adult patients.