To compete in the archive and backup industries, holographic data storage must be highly competitive in four critical areas: total cost of ownership (TCO), cost/TB, capacity/footprint, and transfer rate. New holographic technology advancements by Akonia Holographics have enabled the potential for ultra-high capacity holographic storage devices that are capable of world record bit densities of over 2-4Tbit/in2, up to 200MB/s transfer rates, and media costs less than $10/TB in the next few years. Additional advantages include more than a 3x lower TCO than LTO, a 3.5x decrease in volumetric footprint, 30ms random access times, and 50 year archive life. At these bit densities, 4.5 Petabytes of uncompressed user data could be stored in a 19” rack system. A demonstration platform based on these new advances has been designed and built by Akonia to progressively demonstrate bit densities of 2Tb/in2, 4Tb/in2, and 8Tb/in2 over the next year. Keywords: holographic
Kevin R. Curtis,et al.
Holographic data storage
F. Mok,et al.
Angle-multiplexed storage of 5000 holograms in lithium niobate.
Optics letters.
A. Hale,et al.
Recording media that exhibit high dynamic range for digital holographic data storage.
Optics letters.
George Barbastathis,et al.
Volume Holographic Multiplexing Methods
L. Hesselink,et al.
Digital wavelength multiplexed holographic data storage system
Summaries of papers presented at the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics.