How to Establish a Scale That Best Fits Your Agenda: The Guidelines to Build a Web Service Quality Scale

As the Web-based commerce booms rapidly, it is crucial for companies to develop comprehensive yet customized measurement of Website service quality in order to formulate their winning strategies. However, no single exiting scale can be globally effective to capture Websites service quality because service quality dimensions can differ according to the various characteristics of the websites. Therefore, managers and engineers need to cultivate their own abilities to develop a scale that can be more effectively evaluating service quality of their Websites. Accordingly, this article aims to provide guidelines for managers and/or engineers to adjust current measures or build new scales for Website service quality that best fits their agenda. This paper firstly discusses how to use literature review and focus group interview to identify possible dimensions of Website service quality. Next, item generation and selection techniques are introduced. Last, statistical methods for refining items and accessing reliability and validity of the scale are described. An example from previously published paper is also provided for readers’ reference.

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