Modeling Correspondences for Multi-Camera Tracking Using Nonlinear Manifold Learning and Target Dynamics

Multi-camera tracking systems often must maintain consistent identity labels of the targets across views to recover 3D trajectories and fully take advantage of the additional information available from the multiple sensors. Previous approaches to the "correspondence across views" problem include matching features, using camera calibration information, and computing homographies between views under the assumption that the world is planar. However, it can be difficult to match features across significantly different views. Furthermore, calibration information is not always available and planar world hypothesis can be too restrictive. In this paper, a new approach is presented for matching correspondences based on the use of nonlinear manifold learning and system dynamics identification. The proposed approach does not require similar views, calibration nor geometric assumptions of the 3D environment, and is robust to noise and occlusion. Experimental results demonstrate the use of this approach to generate and predict views in cases where identity labels become ambiguous.

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