The Last great ice sheets

Late Weichselian Ice Sheets in Eurasia and Greenland (B. G. Andersen). Late Wisconsin Ice Sheets of North America (P. A. Mayewski, G. H. Denton, & T. J. Hughes). Late Wisconsin-Weichselian Mountain Glaciers and Small Ice Caps (J. T. Hollin & D. H. Schilling). Numerical Reconstruction of Valley Glaciers and Small Ice Caps (D. H. Schilling & J. T. Hollin). Numerical Reconstruction of Paleo-Ice Sheets (T. J. Hughes). The Last Great Ice Sheets: A Global View (T. J. Hughes, G. H. Denton, B. G. Andersen, D. H. Schilling, J. L. Fastook, & C. S. Lingle). The History of the Marine Ice Sheet in West Antarctica During the Last Glaciation: A Working Hypothesis (M. Stuiver, G. H. Denton, & T. J. Hughes). The Arctic Ice Sheet: An Outrageous Hypothesis (G. H. Denton & T. J. Hughes).