Nanoscale surface measurements at sidewalls of nano- and micro-structures

A method for direct and non-destructive sidewall scanning of nano- and micro-structures is presented. The measurements are performed with a kind of novel 'assembled cantilever probe (ACP)'. Such ACPs consist of four parts: substrate, cantilever, extension(s) and probe tip(s). The tip(s) located at the free end of the extension may extend horizontally. As a benefit, the ACPs are capable of probing in a direction perpendicular to sidewalls. The bending, torsion or deformation of the cantilever is detected when the tip is brought into contact, intermittent contact or non-contact, with sidewalls. Investigations show that the ACPs have a low measurement noise at a subnanometre level. Measurement examples performed at the sidewalls of microtrenches, microgears and line edge roughness samples are given in this paper.