Objectives: Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) is a suitable environment for unknown or unspecified communications. It is an infra-structureless network. Standard protocols like AODV, OLSR and DSR are used in routing packets. In this paper, we compare AODV protocol with SRP protocol enforcing a Black hole, worm hole and Sybil attacks. Group signature is used to authenticate the route requests and to defend the potential active attacks without exposing the node identities. During the transmission, the intermediary nodes does not know the actual destination since onion routing concept along with route verification message is used. Methods/Analysis: Using NS2, first a sample of 50 nodes is generated and is made to move randomly. Dynamic clustering is done within the sample area of 500 x 500 sq.m. Set up 50 nodes as sink nodes and attach a local agent and loss monitor for each node. Position these nodes in the sample area. The nodes 0,20,22,10 were set up as source and nodes 24, 9, 2, 14 were set up as destinations respectively for transmission of packets. Findings: The four performance measures Energy spent, Packet Delivery ratio, delay and throughput or output with 6 attacker nodes (50, 51, 52, 53, 54 and 55) with different simulation time like 2, 4, 6, 8, 10s are taken for comparison. Transmission of packet is tested using AODV and the performance metrics are traced. Similarly the performance metrics are tested with SRP protocol. The values are tabulated and a graph is generated for each metric in Y-axis and time in X-axis. From the results obtained we can observe SRP outperforms AODV in all four parameters. Novelty of the Study: A VMware workstation is installed and tested in Unix environment using tool command language the modules are created in vi editor. They are executed using ns command. This paper compares the performance of SRP with AODV enforcing attacker nodes. Conclusion: During data transmission between nodes in MANETs the SRP protocol outperforms AODV. The result analysis below shows the four performance measures Energy spent, PDR, end-to-end delay and throughput.
Markus Jakobsson,et al.
Discount Anonymous On Demand Routing for Mobile Ad hoc Networks
2006 Securecomm and Workshops.
Neeta Singh,et al.
Performance Evaluation of AODV nth BR Routing Protocol under Varying Node Density and Node Mobility for MANETs
Azzedine Boukerche,et al.
SDAR: a secure distributed anonymous routing protocol for wireless and mobile ad hoc networks
29th Annual IEEE International Conference on Local Computer Networks.
Charles E. Perkins,et al.
Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) Routing
Subir Kumar Sarkar,et al.
Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks: Principles, Protocols and Applications
Vishal Singh,et al.
A Survey: QoS of MANET through cryptography and routing protocol enhancement
William Stallings,et al.
Cryptography and Network Security (4th Edition)
T. Paul Robert,et al.
Ant Based Multi-objective Routing Optimization in Mobile AD-HOC Network
Ronggong Song,et al.
AnonDSR: efficient anonymous dynamic source routing for mobile ad-hoc networks
SASN '05.
Anoop J. Sahoo.
Possibility and Necessity Measures to Enhance Reliability and Cooperation in MANETS
Wenjing Lou,et al.
Anonymous communications in mobile ad hoc networks
Proceedings IEEE 24th Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies..