Camera Compensation Using a Feature Projection Matrix for Person Reidentification

Matching individuals within a group of spatially nonoverlapping surveillance cameras, also known as person reidentification, has recently attracted a lot of research interest. Current methods mainly focus on feature representation or distance measure, which directly compare person images captured by different cameras. However, it is still a problem because of various surveillance conditions; for example, view switching, lighting variations, and image scaling. Although the brightness transfer function was proposed to address the problem of illumination variation, it could not handle view and scale changes among various cameras. In this paper, we propose a new approach to compensate for the inconsistency of feature distributions of person images captured by different cameras. More precisely, a feature projection matrix (FPM) is learned to project image features of one camera to the feature space of another camera, from which the latent device difference can be effectively eliminated for the person reidentification task. In particular, we formulate the FPM learning as a smooth unconstrained convex optimization problem and use a simple gradient descent algorithm with stochastic samples to accelerate the solving process. Extensive comparative experiments conducted on three standard datasets have shown the promising prospect of the proposed method.

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