'Applied Scientific Method' in the Laboratory*

BEATRIZ AMANTE, MARIA MARTINEZ-MARTINEZ, ANA CADENATO, ISABEL GALLEGO and NURIA SALAN The Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya BARCELONATECH, School of Industrial and Aeronautic Engineering (ETSEIAT-UPC), Spain. E-mail: beatriz.amante@upc.edu, nuria.salan@upc.edu The Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya BARCELONATECH, School of Industrial Engineering (ETSEIB-UPC), Spain. E-mail: rosario.martinez@upc.edu, cadenato@mmt.upc.edu The Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya BARCELONATECH, School of Industrial Engineering (EPSC-UPC), Spain. E-mail: isabel@ac.upc.edu