Introducing the MC3 medium current 300 mm implanter
The MC3 is Eaton's and Sumitomo Eaton Nova's new medium-current 300 mm implanter designed to meet the demanding performance and Cost of Ownership (COO) requirements of 300 mm fabs. The MC3 design builds upon the production-proven performance of the Eaton 8250. In addition, complementary application space with Eaton's HE3 and ULE3 enables a minimum COO for all known implant conditions. The MC3 delivers beam currents from 2 to 3500 p/spl mu/A. The energy range is 3 to 750 keV. The modular design of the MC3 utilizes new design features to enhance serviceability and to reduce mean time to repair (MTTR). Extensive life cycle testing of modules in the development phase ensures a robust design. Furthermore, commonality on beamline design with the 8250 means excellent implanter process performance and beam purity, while control system commonality to other Eaton implanters greatly enhances ease of use.