A Functional Approach to Neuroanatomy

The format of the second edition closely follows that which the authors introduced in their first edition seven years ago. The fact that a revision appears at this time supports the continued need and demand for this type of book, and many who feel that anatomy is static should welcome the changes which are present and which reflect the continuing research in this area. In particular, advances in electron microscopy and new data based upon the use of degenerative silver techniques (Nauta-Gygax method, etc) are apparent. This 550-page book is profusely illustrated, primarily by the superb drawings and diagrams of Dr. Pansky, but the lack of photographic illustrations is unfortunate. Drawings alone tend to over-simplify, and the contrast between different types of illustrations often provides the student with variations which improve his ability to grasp the complexities of neuroanatomy. A number of x-ray reproductions have been added, and these should