Computer Timetabling and Curriculum Planning.
Summary Wright Robinson High School, Manchester, experienced major problems when implementing the 1974‐75 lower school curriculum. Many of the original objectives had to be abandoned and temporary solutions adopted because there was insufficient time for a major revision of policy. During the subsequent year, the school designed alternative lower school structures and investigated their feasibility using the Nor Data School Scheduling System. 1 The investigation yielded positive results that greatly enhanced the quality of the 1975‐76 timetable. Relatively little demand was made on the time of school personnel, which suggests that the computer system could provide all schools with an invaluable aid to the planning and implementation of their curriculum. It should now be possible for schools to investigate the feasibility of their educational objectives at a time when it is not too late to make major revisions of policy if the need arises. 1MICHALSEN, H. (1970). A Working Strategy for General School Schedu...