Creating an Interactive and Responsive Teaching Environment to Inspire Learning

Teaching students to understand, disable, and solve problems is one of the largest challenges educators face in undergraduate marketing education. My teaching philosophy is centered on the creation of an interactive learning environment. This encompasses problem-based teaching and collaborative learning to foster discussions between students and between faculty members and students. This setting is largely supported by the creation of technological resources and the design of feedback systems. Feedback provides students with the opportunity to gauge their understanding of the course and to improve. The technological resources assist students to learn at their own pace. Consisting of digital lecture recordings, an on-line tutor, and a “bank” of lecture slides and assessment materials, these online resources serve to provide students with feedback and 24-hr support to assist with their learning. Variety in teaching tools, the creation of an interactive and supportive environment, and the implementation of high standards have motivated my students to attend class and excel in their performance. It has also improved their transferable skill development and their value to employers for years to come.