Studies on peroxomolybdates XXII. Crystal structure of hexaammonium dicosaoxodiperoxoheptamolybdate( VI)-water(1/6), (NH4)6)[Mo7O22+x(O2)2-x] 6H2O, x = 0.5

Source of material: The title compound was prepared according to ref. 1 (see also ref. 2, in which is given a summary of the conditions for the preparations of ammonium peroxomolybdates). The crystal structure determination demonstrates that the title compound is built in the same way as other diperoxoheptamolybdates (see refs. 3-6). Parts of the peroxo groups [0 (21) /0 (22) and 0 (25) /0 (26) ] are replaced by oxide oxygen atoms [0 (21A) a n d 0 ( 2 5 A ) ] . In t h e p r e s e n t s t u d y t h e c o m p o s i t i o n i s (ΝΗ4)6[Μθ7θ22+^(θ2)2-ί] • 6 H 2 O with χ = 0.5. Thus, besides d i c o s a o x o d i p e r o x o h e p t a m o l y b d a t e ( V I ) ions the c rys ta l s contain tricosaoxomonoperoxoheptamolybdate(VI) ions and/or tetracosaoxoheptamolybdate(VI) ions.