Program in Marine Physics Applied to Navy Undersea Missions.

Abstract : SIO's Marine Physical Lab. has conducted a multifaceted program in marine physics. A majority of the projects have been oriented towards exploratory development problems in underwater acoustics and related instrumentation development. As an example, MPL has maintained a continuing interest in the spatial and temporal characteristics of ambient noise in the ocean across a wide range of frequencies. Also, MPL has made fundamental contributions to the understanding of acoustic propagation in the ocean. The Doppler Sonar Program has provided new information related to internal waves, upper ocean turbulence, and Langmuir circulation, etc. The Acoustic Array Program has given the Navy key data relating to the vertical distribution of ambient noise and has provided instrumentation that has transitioned to other Navy programs. The appendices contain reprints of two papers describing some of the acoustic array work performed under this program and publications bibliography. (edc)