Withtheemergence ofthenew IEEE1566 . Aclear andmoreinherent understanding oftheuse Standard forLarge Adjustable SpeedDrives, andtheneedfor andperformance ofequivalent devices intended for providing theselarge drives into theGlobal Market place, a thesamepurpose comparison ofseveral worldstandards wouldbeofvalue to Thechallenge tosetting aglobally mandated direction Electrical Engineers. Withmanufacturers supplying thesewithout further consideration isthat itdeters innovation and drives on a global basis, itwouldbehelpful tohavea differing viewpoints which havebeenresponsible fornew comparison guide fortheengineer torefer toquickly. IEEEStd technologies andimprovements. Forthis reason, IEEE1566 1566waswritten byusers, consultants andmanufacturers to took theapproach todefine large adjustable speeddrives notin provide acommonperformance standard forlarge Adjustable specific design definition, terminology, etc. butrather by SpeedAC Drives. Thestandard isastandalonedocumentminimum performance requirements which werefelt tobe whichlists theperformance requirements ofallaspects ofan important toendusers. Bycontrast, theIECstandards arevery adjustable speeddrive system. Itincludes datasheets forthe specific innature with standards specifically outlining design purchaser andtheuserplussometutorial information. Itis configurations forpowersemiconductor equipment tothepoint expected that theuseofthestandard will lead toless confusion ofhaving multiple standards specific torectifier designs asan andworkinselection ofdrives, plus eventually amoredurableexample. drive system Theintent ofthis paper istodemonstrate thedifference in approach, toencourage theuseandinput worldwide tothis Thispaperwill covertheIEEE1566andcomparable IEC recently adopted standard. standards asthesestandards wouldrelate totheselection of large adjustable speeddrives. 11.HISTORY IndexTerms- LargeAC Drives, Adjustable Speed, Adjustable SpeedDrives havebecomeincreasingly common International Standards, Adjustable SpeedDrive (ASD)