Environmental pollution around nickel smelters in the Kola Peninsula (Russia).

Air pollution along the border between Norway and Russia has been recorded since 1974 in Sør-Varanger county (Norway) and since 1985 in Murmansk county (Russia). A more extensive collaboration on the environmental pollution problems in the border region was started in 1988 with the establishment of a joint pollution commission. Sulphur dioxide seems to be the most important pollutant causing both environmental damage and adverse health effects. The recommended highest 6-month mean acceptable value for Norway of 40-60 micrograms/m3 was exceeded for two Russian and one Norwegian station during the winter of 1990/91. About 5% of hourly means exceeded 350 micrograms/m3 at the most polluted Norwegian station. The highest value recorded at the nearest populated area in Norway was 2500 micrograms/m3 (The Norwegian Institute for Air Research). Standardized mortality data suggest an increase in deaths from cancer and cardiovascular disease in two cities with nickel refineries, compared to a control city. Further analysis is required to confirm this.