Excavaciones arqueológicas en el castillo de Priego (Córdoba): informe de la Intervención Arqueológica Puntual de 2002-2003

SUMMARY This article is simultaneous with the Archaeological Report of the works carried out in Priego de Cordoba’s Castle, during the intermittent periods between 2002/2003. These proceedings contained in a Punctual Archaeological Intervention, were divided in two different sections, related to the intervention zones: 1) Inner Intervention: Programmed works connected to the Employment National Action Program (Shock Plan). This action continues the works started in 1997 and 1998 campaigns. 2) Exterior Intervention: First works held for the opening of the pedestrian alley contained in the Pl-0 of the Special Protection Program, Interior Improvement and Historical Centre Catalogue of Priego de Cordoba. This action concerns the west exterior fortress.