Cultural Condition and Morphological Charateristics of Paecilomyces Japonica for the Artificial Cultivation

The optimal condition for the production of the artificial fruiting bodies of Paecilomyces japonica in bulk was determined from the observation of the conidial, hyphal, and cultural condition and the medium. The colony was grown 32 mm diameter in 14 days on potato dextrose agar(PDA). Conidia was irregularly long oval-shaped and measured 4.071.56 m in average. The hyaline hyphae formed transparent bundles which branched out. The fruiting body on the insect surface was measured 30 to 50 mm in length and formed up to 55 branches. Potato dextrose(PD) both was the most effective for the growth of Paecilomyces japonica among the liquid type media. About 3.1 mg mrcelia in dry weight were produced in 50 ml/PD broth. The best condition for the production of conidia under which condition 4.310 conidia/ml were harvested was pH 5.0 in acidity and 20 following preculture at 24 in temperature for 7 days.