The main lymphocytes' subpopulations of peripheral blood in 21 children (mean age--9.8 +/- 3.3 y) with permanent proteinuria and haematuria, 11 with IgA nephropathy (IgA) and 10 with nephropathy in course of Schonlein-Henoch purpura (Sch-H) during intensification of symptoms were assessed on flow cytometer f. Coultier, using monoclonal antibodies. The control group consisted of 21 healthy children at the same age. The results showed decreased percentage of CD4 and increased percentage of CD8 with decreased CD4/CD8 ratio in both groups of examined children. In most cases also increased percentage of B lymphocytes (CD19) were noticed and especially in children from N IgA group increased concentration of immunoglobulin A in serum. Only in some patients increased percentage of natural cytotoxic cells NK were noticed. The results were similar either in N IgA or Sch-H groups.