Effects of Reynolds number on the performance of a high pressure-ratio turbocharger compressor

The effects of Reynolds number on the performance of a high pressure-ratio turbocharger compressor were investigated by both experiments and numerical simulation. The experimental results show that the pressure ratio and the efficiency of the compressor respectively decrease by 7.9% and 6.9% when Reynolds number drops from 9.86×105 to 2.96×105. The numerical simulation predicts a similar trend as the experimental results although it underestimates the deterioration of the performance under low Reynolds number conditions. According to simulation results, the boundary layer thickness increases at the inducer, which decreases the throat area and leads to smaller choke mass flow rate. The increments of the boundary thickness are relatively small at the rear part of the impeller. The boundary layer separation flow is severe. The interaction between boundary layer separation flows and leakage flows causes the high loss region at the rear part of the impeller passage under low Reynolds number condition.

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