Fabric weave design based on swift operation and interative operation of weave matrix
For realizing digital design of fabric weave,this paper proposes a new method of fabric weave design by defining weave matrix and its rules of swift operation and interative operation.According to the requirement of fabric weave design,it takes original weaves and match weaves as research objects.On the basis of definitions,it does swift operation and interative operation on match weaves,sets up the relationship of original weave matrix and match weave matrix when doing interative operation.Combined with computer experiments,it carries out a discussion as how the factors affect texture of fabircs when doing swift operation and interative operation,foucusing on basic rules,such as operation methods,move number of original weaves,move number of match weaves,swift directions and swift parameter.It showed that using the method of swift operation and interative operation of weave matrix as fabric weave digital design means can be used for reference.