PGP Companion for Windows

From the Publisher: Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) is the practically perfect - and completely free - program for protecting your electronic data against unauthorized access. Just add WinPGP (included on the companion disk), shareware that puts a graphical interface on PGP's DOS format, and you have simple, point-and-click privacy. Concise, to-the-point, PGP Companion for Windows provides everything you need to know to create and distribute public keys; encrypt your communications, files and directories; use your secret key to guarantee your signature on documents; manage your keys; and recover from disaster. In practically no time, you'll be able to encrypt company files on your laptop, in case it's lost or stolen; protect the privacy of your information and data sources; ensure the security of confidential information by using PGP to electronically "lock" reports and memos; prevent private communications from becoming public by requiring a "key" to read your e-mail; and guarantee your readers and correspondents that documents are genuine or that a signed memo actually came from you.