Shack Hartmann wave-front measurement with a large F-number plastic microlens array.

A new plastic microlens array, consisting of 900 lenslets, has been developed for the Shack Hartmann wave-front sensor.The individual lens is 300 µm × 300µm and has a focal length of 10 mm, which provides the same focal size, 60 µm in diameter, with a constant peak intensity. One can improve thewave-front measurement accuracy by reducing the spot centroiding error by averaging a few frame memories of an image processor. A deformable mirror for testing the wave-front sensor gives anappropriate defocus and astigmatism, and the laser wave front is measured with a Shack Hartmann wave-front sensor. The measurement accuracy and reproducibility of our wave-front sensor are better than λ/20 and λ/50 (λ = 632.8 nm),respectively, in rms.