Natural theories of mind: Evolution, development and simulation of everyday mindreading

1. Fundamental Issues in the Multidisciplinary Study of Mindreading: Andrew Whiten and Josef Perner (University of St. Andrews and Sussex University) 2. From Desires to Beliefs: Acquisition of a Theory of Mind: Henry M. Wellman (University of Michigan) 3. Developing Understanding of Desire and Intention: Janet W. Astington and Alison Gopnik (The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education and University of California at Berkeley) 4. Understanding Others: Evidence from Naturalistic Studies of Children: Judy Dunn (The Pennsylvania State University) 5. The Theory of Mind Impairment in Autism: Evidence for a Modular Mechanism of Development?: Alan M. Leslie (MRC Cognitive Development Group) 6. From Agency to Intention: A Rule-based Computational Approach: Thomas R. Shultz (McGill University) 7. How to Read Minds in Behaviour: A Suggestion from a Philosopher: Jonathan Bennet (Syracuse University) 8. Planning and Plan Recognition from a Computational Point of View: Charles F. Schmidt and Stacy C. Marsella (State University of New Jersey Rutgers) 9. Computation and Mindreading in Primate Tactical Deception: Richard W. Byrne and Andrew Whiten (University of St. Andrews) 10. Playing with others' expectations: Teasing and Mucking About in the First Year of Infancy: Vasudevi Reddy (Southampton University) 11. Jokes and Lies: Childrens' Understanding of Intentional Falsehood: Susan R. Leekam (Sussex University) 12. Reading Minds or Reading Behaviour? Tests for a Theory of Mind in Monkeys: Dorothy L. Cheney and Robert M. Seyfarth (University of Pennsylvania) 13. Visual Behaviour as a Window for Reading the Mind of Others in Primates: Juan C. Gomez (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid) 14. Before Mindreading: Attention, Purposes and Deception in Birds: Carolyn A. Ristau 15. The Ontogeny and Phylogeny of Joint Visual Attention: George Butterworth (University of Stirling) 16. Precursors to a Theory of Mind: Understanding Attention in Others: Simon Baron-Cohen (Institute of Psychiatry, London) 17. Perceptual Origins and Conceptual Evidence for Theory of Mind in Apes and Children: David Premack and Verena Dasser (University of Pennsylvania) 18. The Emergence of Metarepresentation in Human Ontogeny and Primate Phylogeny: Andrew Whiten and Richard W. Bryne (University of St. Andrews) 19. The Work of the Imagination: Paul L. Harris (University of Oxford) 20. Narrativity: Mindreading and Making Societies: Michael Carrithers (University of Durham) 21. Evolution, Development and Simulation of Mindreading: Steps Towards an Interdisciplinary Enterprise: Andrew Whiten (University of St. Andrews).