Optimizing the Sustainability of Tourism Infrastructure in Nigeria through Design for Deconstruction Framework

Tourism infrastructure is generally regarded as the physical element that is created or made to cater for visitors. The way in which design and construction of tourism infrastructure, particularly buildings are currently carried out in Nigeria tends to be haphazard, wasteful and largely unscientific. One major observation is that most tourism infrastructure in the country are not designed for ease of disassembly, thereby creating sustainability problems for designers and other stakeholders. The negative environmental impacts of wastages associated with such design and construction practices are substantial and this could exacerbate, considering the high rate of urbanization and the present quest to be among the twenty most industrialized nations in the World by 2020. The implication of the 2020 agenda is that the tourism industry in Nigeria would witness unprecedented construction activities. Considering the present experience of the industrialized countries, the current construction activities inherent in tourism infrastructure are associated with huge amount of waste. Experiences of most industrialized nations seem to suggest that such wastes can be avoided or reduced by increasing the rates of reuse and recycling of materials and components. As the economy of Nigeria continues to expand, there is growing need to explore the problems of sustainability associated with design and construction of tourism infrastructure. The methodology for this research is essentially a literature review that explores design for deconstruction as a paradigm for developing sustainable tourism infrastructure in Nigeria. The study reveals that re-use of existing tourism infrastructure through mass recycling of associated wastes could introduce elements of sustainability into the sector. It concludes that application of design for deconstruction framework will heighten awareness for elements of sustainability that a tourism infrastructure project needs to objectify in 21st Century Nigeria.