A new genus of Lachesillidae (Psocoptera) from the Peruvian Amazonia

Mockford & Sullivan (1986), proposed a higher classification of the psocopteran family Lachesillidae, in which they established the subfamilies Lachesillinae and Eolachesillinae. In the latter subfamily they created two tribes, Eolachesillini and Graphocaeciliini, and dealt with the systematics of the latter. In the Graphocaeciliini they recognised eight genera, including six new genera, and 29 species in total. Subsequently, García Aldrete (2006) erected the genus Waoraniella from the Ecuadorian Amazonia, and established for it the tribe Waoraniellini, in the Eolachesillinae; García Aldrete & Mockford (2011 b) described a second species of that genus, from the Reserva Florestal Ducke, near Manaus, Brazil, and indicated that a third species is known to occur in the Peruvian Amazonia, near Iquitos; finally, García Aldrete & Mockford (2011 a) described the genus Amazolachesilla, in the Graphocaeciliini, from the Brazilian state of Amazonas. The Amazon basin continues to offer biological novelties: two male specimens of Eolachesillinae: Graphocaeciliini, taken recently in the Peruvian Amazonia, are not assignable in any of the known genera in that tribe. They thus represent a new genus, and the purpose of this paper is to describe and illustrate it, and to attempt to relate it to the other genera in the tribe. The two specimens available for study were dissected in 80% ethyl alcohol, and their parts (head, right legs and wings, and genitalia) were mounted on slides in Canada Balsam. Color was recorded by placing the whole specimens, before dissection, under a stereo microscope, illuminated with cold white light at 80X. Parts on the slides were measured with a filar micrometer, and illustrations were made by means of a drawing tube. Abbreviations of parts measured are as follows: FW: length of right forewing, HW: length of right hindwing, F, T, t1 and t2: lengths of femur, tibia and tarsomeres 1 and 2 of right hind leg, ctt1: number of ctenidobothria on t1, Mx4: length of fourth palpomere of right maxillary palpus, f1...fn: length of flagellomeres 1...n of right antenna, IO, D and d: minimum distance between compound eyes, antero-posterior diameter and transverse diameter, respectively, of right compound eye on dorsal view of head, PO: d/D. The location of the types is indicated in the description.