Modellierung der Wellenausbreitung in urbanem Gelände
An efficient planning method for radio communication systems requires a well known wave propagation in the considered area. Thus a new ray-optical model for the UHF wave propagation in urban areas is developed at the Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik und Elektronik (University of Karlsruhe). This 3D model provides a polarimetric and complex fieldstrength prediction. Additionally it gives the possibility to characterise a radio channel based on a statistical analysis of multipath signals. A comparison between measurements and model predicted pathless in a real urban area is given. Furthermore the possibilities of additional information extraction are discussed. Für die Dokumentation: Urbanes Wellenausbreitungsmodell / Mehrwegeausbreitung / Polarimetrische Feldstärkevorhersage / Zellulare Mobilfunknetze