A Bibliography of Electron Swarm Data

Abstract : In preparing the material for this report, a retrospective literature search from 1968 to 1978 was conducted. Titles of papers were used to identify those likely for inclusion, then copies of the papers were obtained and read to identify the specific data. We believe this procedure leads to as complete a bibliography as possible together with an accurate index. Some of the more easily accessible papers published in 1979 have also been included. Each paper in the bibliographic listing is assigned a unique number for identification. Citations in the 1974 review were reexamined in view of the modifications in selection and indexing criteria and are included here for completeness. Also, some of the citations contain other data and appear in other Information Center reports on electron scattering cross sections or energy transfer collisions. In each case, a particular citation carries the same number in all publications. Review articles and books are included in separate sections following the bibliography.