used to enhance interactivity by allowing the web content to be presented dynamically, dependent on learner's actions and responses. Learner-instructor interaction in web-based courseware can be facilitated through the use

Learner-learner interaction can be facilitated in a web-based learning environment much in the same way learner-instructor interaction is. A difference with learner-learner interaction, in my opinion, is that the courseware must be designed to facilitate that interaction. Students are more accustomed to interacting with their instructors and with course content than they are with other learners. But learner-learner interaction can often be one of the most valuable types of interaction, especially in courses that involve adult learners who bring a wealth of personal experience and knowledge to the learning environment. Team projects, debates, small-group activities, requirements to post and respond to other postings on a discussion board, and chats used for discussion and brainstorming are all instructional components that can be used in webbased courseware to ensure learner-learner interaction. Conclusion This paper has only touched on interactivity and its importance in web-based courseware. Interactivity is important for active learning to take place, whether in a traditional, face-to-face classroom setting or in a distance-learning environment. Web-based courseware offers many tools and technologies that can enable learner-content, learner-instructor, and learner-learner interactions. But it is important that sound pedagogical and andragogical principles be applied in the judicious use of that technology to ensure effective instruction that uses the available types of interactivity in a way that facilitates learning.