Geographic Information System- A Modern Approach
The use of maps in historical research is not new because maps can convey spatial information more efficiently than the written word. Imagine trying to convey the spatial information found on a map of any place, war etc through words such a tedious task but a map more clearly conveys the network-like relations between the bits of information. The managing of spatial data generally involves process of data acquisition, storage and maintenance, analysis and output. Earlier it has been done using analogue data sources and manual processing, but now the use of modern technologies it is much easier to handle spatial data. The technology used in this sphere is Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The GIS software makes it possible to create large amounts of different data, combining different layers of information to manage and retrieve the data in a more useful manner. GIS technology is becoming essential tool to combine various maps and knowledge engineering, Geo-Positioning Satellites; the field also involves some of the oldest sciences and professions, such as geometry land surveying and remote sensing information to generate various models, which are used in real time environment. This paper deals with some of the features of a GIS, the universal trends in this era and the technology behind it. It also describes the preference of using interactive media to implement a GIS by extending its efficiency to produce geographic and other information. This paper also identifies some of the main areas where Multimedia GIS systems could be very valuable.