Timed Transition Models (TTMs) are event-based descriptions for specifying real-time systems in a discrete setting. We propose a convenient and expressive event-based textual syntax for TTMs and a corresponding operational semantics using labelled transition systems. A system is specified as a composition of module instances. Each module has a clean interface for declaring input, output, and shared variables. Events in a module can be specified, individually, as spontaneous, fair or real-time. An event action specifies a before-after predicate by a set of (possibly non-deterministic) assignments and nested conditionals. The TTM assertion language, linear-time temporal logic (LTL), allows references to event occurrences, including clock ticks (thus allowing for a check that the behaviour is non-Zeno). We implemented a model checker for the TTM notation (using the PAT framework) that includes an editor with static type checking, a graphical simulator, and a LTL verifier. The tool automatically derives the tick transition and implicit event clocks, removing the burden of manual encoding them. The TTM tool performs significantly better on a nuclear shutdown system than the manually encoded versions analyzed in [6].
Ling Shi,et al.
Modeling and verifying hierarchical real-time systems using stateful timed CSP
Moshe Y. Vardi.
Branching vs. Linear Time: Final Showdown
Jonathan S. Ostroff,et al.
Composition and refinement of discrete real-time systems
Wang Yi,et al.
Uppaal in a nutshell
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer.
Insup Lee,et al.
Assurance Cases in Model-Driven Development of the Pacemaker Software
Hong Zhang,et al.
Towards Integrated Verification of Timed Transition Models
Fundam. Informaticae.
Jun Sun,et al.
PAT: Towards Flexible Verification under Fairness
K. Mani Chandy,et al.
Parallel program design - a foundation