Modeling Survival Data: Extending the Cox Model

and calibration activities in several models. The included papers are A hybridMarquardt-Simulated Annealing method for solving the groundwater inverse problem; Calibration of the Oro Moraine multi-aquifer system—fole of geology and objective function; In uence of pumping head data in the conditional estimation of a transmissivity Ž eld; Calibration of a 3-D groundwater model of the post-Permian sedimentary cover at the Morsleben radioactive waste repository site; Calibration of 3-D transient groundwater  ow models for fractured rock; Guidelines for model calibration and application to  ow simulation in the Death Valley regional groundwater system; A comparison of solute-transport solution techniques based on inverse modelling results; A new look at traditional deterministic  ow models and their calibration in the context of randomly heterogeneous media; Computational aspects of the coupled inversion of groundwater  ow and mass transport; Determination of the hydraulic properties of a multilayered aquifer from pumping test data using genetic algorithms; Automatic model calibration using a universal approximator; Three-dimensional inverse modelling of pneumatic tests in unsaturated fractured rocks; Calibration and sensitivity analysis of the 3-D Cape Cod tracer test; and The beneŽ t of using data on canal seepage and tracer concentration in aquifer parameter estimation. The fourth section, Reliability of Model Prediction, is comprised of nine papers comparing model predictions with observed in situ values and with alternative modeling approach results. The applicable titles are Predictive modelling of  ow in a two-dimensional intermediate-scale, heterogenous porous media; Uncertainty analysis of groundwater heads around underground storage caverns due to the spatial variability of hydraulic conductivity; An optimal decision for contaminant plume capture design in a groundwater system under parameter and boundary uncertainty; Computationally efŽ cient methods for the quantiŽcation of uncertainties in groundwater modelling; Uncertainty propagation using the point estimate method; Linking groundwater, contaminant transport, and water distribution models to determine the uncertainty of drinking water contaminant exposure; Reliability-based evaluation of groundwater remediation strategies; Stochastic well capture zones in fully, leaky, and randomly conŽ ned, heterogeneous aquifers; and Contaminant transport modelling under random sources. The Ž fth section, Comprehensive Use of Field Information, is the smallest major section with only seven included papers. This section addresses the use of larger scale and regional data of less traditional nature in further reŽ ning groundwater studies. The paper titles in this section include Value of seismic data for the risk assessment of mass transport—a case study; Modelling of radon-222 as a proxy for vapour phase transport in the unsaturated zone; Methodology for the hydraulic characterization of a granite block; Modelling the tritium release from underground nuclear tests performed at Mururoa and Fangataufa—a conservaive estimate based on uncertain data; Variational data assimulation of soil moisture and temperature from remote sensing observations; Conditional geostatistical modelling of an alluvial aquifer system characterized by poor-quality shallow groundwater; and Estimation of the sustainable yield of a borehole including boundary information, drawdown derivatives and uncertainty propagation. The sixth and Ž nal section, Nonlinear and Coupled Flow and Transport Modelling, consists of 21 papers that are further divided into four sub-topics: Density Flow Modelling with Ž ve papers, seven Multiphase Modelling papers, six Reactive Transport Modelling papers, and three in the Coupled Surface Water and Groundwater Modelling sub-section. The Ž rst sub-section deals with modeling  ow due to or in uenced by solute concentration gradients in saturated media. The titles under this heading include On modelling density driven  ow; A comparison of different model concepts of saltwater intrusion processes; Three-dimensional densitydependent calculation of matrix fracturer  ow; A three-dimensional physical model for veriŽ cation of variable density  ow codes; and Conceptual and numerical modelling of density induced migration of radioactive contaminants at the Lake Karachai waste disposal site. The second sub-section deals with problems associated with multiphase modeling such as heterogeneously distributed residual nonaqueous phase liquids, unsaturated  ows, immiscible phases, and surfactant in uenced phases. The seven papers titles in this sub-section are Characterization of residual NAPL using partitioning tracers—temporal movement analysis; Error propagation in the Newton-based solution control of unsaturated  ow; Reliability of models for isothermal and non-isothermal multiphase processes in porous media; Two-phase  ow simulation of water-sealing of compressed air storage under cyclic pressure change in an unlined rock cavern; The inuence of interfacial tension reduction on organic liquid migration—numerical and experimental comparisons; Multiphase modelling of gas storage in aquifer with automatic calibration and conŽdence limits; and DNAPL spill and plume migration in a naturally heterogeneous aquifer analogue. Papers in the third sub-section include Transfer of tracer data to mixingcontrolled reactive transport; Estimation of sequential degradation rates of perchloroethylene by “history matching”; Multicomponent solute transport model with cation exchange in a redox subsurface environment; Reactive transport modelling with simulator MODCALIF-CHEM—prediction of the environmental impact of lignite dump waters; Assessing uncertainty in remediation by natural attenuation of a petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated site; and In situ measurements and numerical simulation of nitrate leaching from farm soil. The Ž nal three papers address some of the linkages and hydraulic interactions associated with coupled surface and groundwater systems modeling. The titles include Coupling groundwater models to external simulation models— strategies and application to surface waters; Modelling groundwater recharge from intermittently  ooded areas by calibration of time dependent leakage parameters; and Application of a physically-based numerical model of surface and subsurface water  ow and solute transport. Although this book will be useful for individuals with closely related problems or areas of interest, it is unlikely to be of much value to the majority of Technometrics readers.