A comparison of the neutron response of CR-39 made by different manufacturers

CR-39 obtained from American Acrylics and Plastics, Inc. (A.A.), N.E. Technology, Ltd. (N.E.), and Tech/Ops Landauer, Inc. (LT) were exposed to radioisotopic neutron source at SLAC, and moderated {sup 252}Cf at ORNL. The A.A. and N.E. detectors (0.06 cm thick) were electrochemically etched (a pre-etch for 1 hour and 45 minutes in 6. 5 N KOH at 60{degree}C, a 5 hour etch at 3000 V and 60 Hz, a 23 minute blow-up step at 2 kHz and post-etch for 15 minutes). The LT detectors were chemically etched in 5.5 N NaOH at 70{degree}C for 15.5 hours and some A.A., N.E. and LT detectors in 6.25 NaOH at 70{degree}C for 6 hours. A pre-etch step in 60% methanol and 40% NaOH at 70{degree}C for 1 hour was added for some N.E. detectors. The results of the background track density and neutron dose equivalent response are reported in this paper.