Convectively coupled equatorial waves

Convectively coupled equatorial waves (CCEWs) control a substantial fraction of tropical rainfall variability. Their horizontal structures and dispersion characteristics correspond to Matsuno's (1966) solutions of the shallow water equations on an equatorial beta plane, namely, Kelvin, equatorial Rossby, mixed Rossby‐gravity, and inertio‐gravity waves. Because of moist processes, the tilted vertical structures of CCEWs are complex, and their scales do not correspond to that expected from the linear theory of dry waves. The dynamical structures and cloud morphology of CCEWs display a large degree of self‐similarity over a surprisingly wide range of scales, with shallow convection at their leading edge, followed by deep convection and then stratiform precipitation, mirroring that of individual mesoscale convective complexes. CCEWs have broad impacts within the tropics, and their simulation in general circulation models is still problematic, although progress has been made using simpler models. A complete understanding of CCEWs remains a challenge in tropical meteorology.

[1]  B. Hoskins,et al.  Convectively Coupled Equatorial Waves in High-Resolution Hadley Centre Climate Models , 2009 .

[2]  C. Jones,et al.  Origin of convectively coupled Kelvin waves over South America. , 2009 .

[3]  C. Thorncroft,et al.  Convectively Coupled Kelvin Waves over Tropical Africa during the Boreal Summer: Structure and Variability , 2008 .

[4]  C. Thorncroft,et al.  Three-Dimensional Structure and Dynamics of African Easterly Waves. Part III: Genesis , 2008 .

[5]  Matthew C. Wheeler,et al.  Statistical Prediction of Weekly Tropical Cyclone Activity in the Southern Hemisphere , 2008 .

[6]  M. Wheeler,et al.  Some Space–Time Spectral Analyses of Tropical Convection and Planetary-Scale Waves , 2008 .

[7]  G. Kiladis,et al.  The West African Monsoon Dynamics. Part III: The Quasi-Biweekly Zonal Dipole , 2008 .

[8]  J. Duvel,et al.  Synoptic Wave Perturbations and Convective Systems over Equatorial Africa , 2008 .

[9]  Paul E. Roundy,et al.  Analysis of Convectively Coupled Kelvin Waves in the Indian Ocean MJO , 2008 .

[10]  H. Tomita,et al.  Convectively Coupled Equatorial Waves Simulated on an Aquaplanet in a Global Nonhydrostatic Experiment , 2008 .

[11]  M. Cronin,et al.  Horizontal and vertical structure of easterly waves in the Pacific ITCZ , 2008 .

[12]  G. Kiladis,et al.  Vertical-Mode Decompositions of 2-Day Waves and the Madden–Julian Oscillation , 2008 .

[13]  Z. Kuang A Moisture-Stratiform Instability for Convectively Coupled Waves , 2008 .

[14]  I. Kang,et al.  The Impacts of Convective Parameterization and Moisture Triggering on AGCM-Simulated Convectively Coupled Equatorial Waves , 2008 .

[15]  Andrew J. Majda,et al.  Multicloud Models for Organized Tropical Convection: Enhanced Congestus Heating , 2008 .

[16]  L. Polvani,et al.  On the Wavelength of the Rossby Waves Radiated by Tropical Cyclones , 2008 .

[17]  H. Masunaga Seasonality and Regionality of the Madden–Julian Oscillation, Kelvin Wave, and Equatorial Rossby Wave , 2007 .

[18]  Bin Wang,et al.  Transition from an eastern Pacific upper‐level mixed Rossby‐gravity wave to a western Pacific tropical cyclone , 2007 .

[19]  B. Hoskins,et al.  Convectively Coupled Equatorial Waves. Part II: Propagation Characteristics , 2007 .

[20]  Brian J. Hoskins,et al.  Convectively Coupled Equatorial Waves. Part III: Synthesis Structures and Their Forcing and Evolution , 2007 .

[21]  B. Hoskins,et al.  Convectively Coupled Equatorial Waves. Part I: Horizontal and Vertical Structures , 2007 .

[22]  W. Chao Chimeric Equatorial Waves as a Better Descriptor for “Convectively-Coupled Equatorial Waves” , 2007 .

[23]  J. Russell,et al.  Equatorial wave analysis from SABER and ECMWF temperatures , 2007 .

[24]  D. Randall,et al.  Observed Characteristics of the MJO Relative to Maximum Rainfall , 2007 .

[25]  D. Frierson Convectively Coupled Kelvin Waves in an Idealized Moist General Circulation Model , 2007 .

[26]  G. Kiladis,et al.  Analysis of the Dominant Mode of Convectively Coupled Kelvin Waves in the West African Monsoon , 2007 .

[27]  J. Molinari,et al.  Tropical Cyclogenesis within an Equatorial Rossby Wave Packet , 2007 .

[28]  A. Majda New Multiscale Models and Self-Similarity in Tropical Convection , 2007 .

[29]  Hui Wang,et al.  The influence of amazon rainfall on the atlantic ITCZ through convectively coupled kelvin waves , 2007 .

[30]  D. Randall,et al.  Vertical-mode and cloud decomposition of large-scale convectively coupled gravity waves in a two-dimensional cloud-resolving model , 2007 .

[31]  K. Cook,et al.  A Study of the Energetics of African Easterly Waves Using a Regional Climate Model , 2007 .

[32]  K. Weickmann,et al.  A synoptic-dynamic model of subseasonal atmospheric variability , 2007 .

[33]  David J. Raymond,et al.  Convectively coupled gravity and moisture modes in a simple atmospheric model , 2007 .

[34]  A. Majda,et al.  Model multi-cloud parameterizations for convectively coupled waves: Detailed nonlinear wave evolution , 2006 .

[35]  G. Shutts Upscale effects in simulations of tropical convection on an equatorial beta-plane , 2006 .

[36]  P. Zuidema,et al.  The mesoscale convection life cycle: building block or prototype for large-scale tropical waves? , 2006 .

[37]  S. Emori,et al.  Coupling mechanisms between equatorial waves and cumulus convection in an AGCM , 2006 .

[38]  G. Kiladis,et al.  The role of equatorial waves in the onset of the South China Sea summer monsoon and the demise of El Niño during 1998 , 2006 .

[39]  T. L’Ecuyer,et al.  The Madden-Julian Oscillation Recorded in Early Observations from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) , 2006 .

[40]  Paul E. Roundy,et al.  The Role of Tropical Waves in Tropical Cyclogenesis , 2006 .

[41]  George N. Kiladis,et al.  Three-Dimensional Structure and Dynamics of African Easterly Waves. Part I: Observations , 2006 .

[42]  C. Thorncroft,et al.  Three-Dimensional Structure and Dynamics of African Easterly Waves. Part II: Dynamical Modes , 2006 .

[43]  Philip J. Rasch,et al.  Tropical Intraseasonal Variability in 14 IPCC AR4 Climate Models. Part I: Convective Signals , 2006 .

[44]  Tim Li,et al.  The origin and dispersion characteristics of the observed tropical summertime synoptic-scale waves over the Western Pacific , 2006 .

[45]  J. Molinari Incorporation of equatorial wave modes into tropical synoptic meteorology: Is It worth the trouble? , 2006 .

[46]  J. Neelin,et al.  The Convective Cold Top and Quasi Equilibrium , 2006 .

[47]  Emrizal,et al.  Dry Intrusions Following Eastward-Propagating Synoptic-Scale Cloud Systems over Sumatera Island , 2006 .

[48]  Matthew E. Peters,et al.  Structure of tropical variability from a vertical mode perspective , 2006 .

[49]  Andrew J. Majda,et al.  A Simple Multicloud Parameterization for Convectively Coupled Tropical Waves. Part I: Linear Analysis , 2006 .

[50]  Miloud Bessafi,et al.  Modulation of South Indian Ocean Tropical Cyclones by the Madden–Julian Oscillation and Convectively Coupled Equatorial Waves , 2006 .

[51]  A. Sterl,et al.  The ERA‐40 re‐analysis , 2005 .

[52]  W. Han,et al.  Influence of the Indian Ocean Dipole on Atmospheric Subseasonal Variability , 2005 .

[53]  A. Sobel,et al.  Influence of Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclones on Their Large-Scale Environment , 2005 .

[54]  Patrick T. Haertel,et al.  Zonal and Vertical Structure of the Madden–Julian Oscillation , 2005 .

[55]  S. Yokoi,et al.  An Observational Study of Intraseasonal Variations over Southeast Asia during the 1998 Rainy Season , 2005 .

[56]  Chidong Zhang Madden‐Julian Oscillation , 2005 .

[57]  Duane E. Waliser,et al.  Intraseasonal Variability in the Atmosphere-Ocean Climate System , 2005 .

[58]  K. Cook,et al.  Generation of African Easterly Wave Disturbances: Relationship to the African Easterly Jet , 2005 .

[59]  H. Tomita,et al.  A global cloud‐resolving simulation: Preliminary results from an aqua planet experiment , 2005 .

[60]  Nedjeljka Žagar,et al.  Balanced tropical data assimilation based on a study of equatorial waves in ECMWF short‐range forecast errors , 2005 .

[61]  Christopher S. Bretherton,et al.  A new approach for 3D cloud‐resolving simulations of large‐scale atmospheric circulation , 2005 .

[62]  P. Roundy,et al.  Effects of low-frequency wave interactions on intraseasonal oscillations , 2004 .

[63]  Paul E. Roundy,et al.  Applications of a Multiple Linear Regression Model to the Analysis of Relationships between Eastward- and Westward-Moving Intraseasonal Modes , 2004 .

[64]  R. Houze Mesoscale convective systems , 2004 .

[65]  G. Kiladis,et al.  Dynamics of 2-Day Equatorial Waves , 2004 .

[66]  G. North,et al.  Equatorial Waves Including the Madden-Julian Oscillation in TRMM Rainfall and OLR Data , 2004 .

[67]  A. Majda,et al.  A Model for Convectively Coupled Tropical Waves: Nonlinearity, Rotation, and Comparison with Observations , 2004 .

[68]  Paul E. Roundy,et al.  A Climatology of Waves in the Equatorial Region , 2004 .

[69]  M. Moncrieff Analytic representation of the large-scale organization of tropical convection , 2004 .

[70]  B. Goswami,et al.  Structure, genesis and scale selection of the tropical quasi‐biweekly mode , 2004 .

[71]  Sandra E. Yuter,et al.  Large-Scale Meteorology and Deep Convection during TRMM KWAJEX* , 2004 .

[72]  M. Newman,et al.  Stratiform Precipitation, Vertical Heating Profiles, and the Madden Julian Oscillation , 2004 .

[73]  J. Holton An introduction to dynamic meteorology , 2004 .

[74]  E. Källén,et al.  Dynamical response of equatorial waves in four-dimensional variational data assimilation , 2004 .

[75]  R. Lindzen The Interaction of Waves and Convection in the Tropics , 2003 .

[76]  J. Molinari,et al.  Evolution of Mixed Rossby–Gravity Waves in Idealized MJO Environments , 2003 .

[77]  C. Bretherton,et al.  Convective Forcing in the Intertropical Convergence Zone of the Eastern Pacific , 2003 .

[78]  G. Kiladis,et al.  The observed structure of convectively coupled Kelvin waves: Comparison with simple models of coupled wave instability , 2003 .

[79]  Richard H. Johnson,et al.  Corrected TOGA COARE Sounding Humidity Data: Impact on Diagnosed Properties of Convection and Climate over the Warm Pool , 2003 .

[80]  Brian J. Hoskins,et al.  Convectively Coupled Equatorial Waves: A New Methodology for Identifying Wave Structures in Observational Data , 2003 .

[81]  G. Kiladis,et al.  Delayed onset of the 2002 Indian monsoon , 2003 .

[82]  G. Kiladis,et al.  Interactions between the Boreal Summer Intraseasonal Oscillation and Higher-Frequency Tropical Wave Activity , 2003 .

[83]  G. Kiladis,et al.  Extratropical Forcing of Convectively Coupled Kelvin Waves during Austral Winter , 2003 .

[84]  Carol Anne Clayson,et al.  2–3-Day Convective Variability in the Tropical Western Pacific , 2002 .

[85]  J. Molinari,et al.  meeting summary: Proceedings of an International Workshop on the Dynamics and Forecasting of Tropical Weather Systems , 2001 .

[86]  Klaus M. Weickmann,et al.  Real-Time Monitoring and Prediction of Modes of Coherent Synoptic to Intraseasonal Tropical Variability , 2001 .

[87]  C. A. Clayson,et al.  Statistical Properties of Episodes of Enhanced 2–3-Day Convection in the Indian and Pacific Oceans , 2001 .

[88]  Bin Wang,et al.  Equatorial Waves and Air–Sea Interaction in the Boreal Summer Intraseasonal Oscillation , 2001 .

[89]  G. Meehl,et al.  A conceptual framework for time and space scale interactions in the climate system , 2001 .

[90]  A. Majda,et al.  Models for Stratiform Instability and Convectively Coupled Waves , 2001 .

[91]  Chih-Pei Chang,et al.  Rossby Waves in Zonally Opposing Mean Flow: Behavior in Northwest Pacific Summer Monsoon , 2001 .

[92]  Kevin Hamilton,et al.  The quasi‐biennial oscillation , 2001 .

[93]  Andrew J. Majda,et al.  Waves and Instabilities for Model Tropical Convective Parameterizations , 2001 .

[94]  Kevin I. Hodges,et al.  An Improved Algorithm for Generating Global Window Brightness Temperatures from Multiple Satellite Infrared Imagery , 2000 .

[95]  C. Bretherton,et al.  An Analysis of Frictional Feedback on a Moist Equatorial Kelvin Mode. , 2000 .

[96]  N. Zeng,et al.  A Quasi-Equilibrium Tropical Circulation Model--Implementation and Simulation*. , 2000 .

[97]  N. Zeng,et al.  A Quasi-Equilibrium Tropical Circulation Model—Formulation * , 2000 .

[98]  J. Molinari,et al.  Mixed Rossby–Gravity Waves and Western Pacific Tropical Cyclogenesis. Part I: Synoptic Evolution , 2000 .

[99]  Brian E. Mapes,et al.  Convective Inhibition, Subgrid-Scale Triggering Energy, and Stratiform Instability in a Toy Tropical Wave Model , 2000 .

[100]  B. Hoskins,et al.  The Equatorial Response to Higher-Latitude Forcing , 2000 .

[101]  A. Sobel,et al.  偏東風波動,モンスーン低気圧,熱帯低気圧型擾乱の力学について , 2000 .

[102]  Peter J. Webster,et al.  Large-Scale Dynamical Fields Associated with Convectively Coupled Equatorial Waves , 2000 .

[103]  A. Matthews,et al.  Physical and numerical contributions to the structure of Kelvin wave-CISK modes in a spectral transform model , 1999 .

[104]  Steven C. Sherwood,et al.  Convective Precursors and Predictability in the Tropical Western Pacific , 1999 .

[105]  Misako Kachi,et al.  Abrupt termination of the 1997–98 El Niño in response to a Madden–Julian oscillation , 1999, Nature.

[106]  C. Bretherton,et al.  Development of Synoptic-Scale Disturbances over the Summertime Tropical Northwest Pacific , 1999 .

[107]  Richard H. Johnson,et al.  Trimodal Characteristics of Tropical Convection , 1999 .

[108]  Steven C. Sherwood,et al.  Observed Evolution of Tropical Deep Convective Events and Their Environment , 1999 .

[109]  Matthew C. Wheeler,et al.  Convectively Coupled Equatorial Waves: Analysis of Clouds and Temperature in the Wavenumber–Frequency Domain , 1999 .

[110]  J. Neelin,et al.  Estimating the Gross Moist Stability of the Tropical Atmosphere , 1998 .

[111]  B. Mapes The Large-Scale Part of Tropical Mesoscale Convective System Circulations , 1998 .

[112]  T. Horinouchi,et al.  Wave–Mean Flow Interaction Associated with a QBO-like Oscillation Simulated in a Simplified GCM , 1998 .

[113]  G. Kiladis Observations of Rossby waves linked to convection over the eastern tropical Pacific , 1998 .

[114]  Chidong Zhang,et al.  Variability of midtropospheric moisture and its effect on cloud-top height distribution during TOGA COARE , 1997 .

[115]  B. Stevens,et al.  Comments on ‘on large‐scale circulations in convecting atmospheres’ by Kerry A. Emanuel, J. David Neelin and Christopher S. Bretherton (july B, 1994, 120, 1111‐1143) , 1997 .

[116]  J. Lafore,et al.  Equatorial Atmospheric Waves and Their Association to Convection , 1997 .

[117]  H. Hendon,et al.  Propagating and Standing Components of the Intraseasonal Oscillation in Tropical Convection , 1997 .

[118]  C. Bretherton,et al.  A Test of the Strict Quasi-Equilibrium Theory on Long Time and Space Scales , 1997 .

[119]  Chih-Pei Chang,et al.  Northwestward-Propagating Wave Patterns over the Tropical Western North Pacific during Summer , 1996 .

[120]  Yukari N. Takayabu,et al.  Observation of a quasi-2-day wave during TOGA COARE , 1996 .

[121]  Brian E. Mapes,et al.  Multiscale variability of deep convection in relation to large-scale circulation in TOGA COARE , 1996 .

[122]  S. Gadgil,et al.  Tropical deep convection, convective available potential energy and sea surface temperature , 1996 .

[123]  Bin Wang,et al.  Low-Frequency Equatorial Waves in Vertically Sheared Zonal Flow. Part II: Unstable Waves , 1996 .

[124]  T. Dunkerton,et al.  Eastward propagating ∼2‐ to 15‐day equatorial convection and its relation to the tropical intraseasonal oscillation , 1995 .

[125]  G. Kiladis,et al.  Horizontal and vertical structure of observed tropospheric equatorial Rossby waves , 1995 .

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[127]  A. Numaguti Characteristics of 4-to-20-Day-Period Disturbances Observed in the Equatorial Pacific during the TOGA COARE IOP , 1995 .

[128]  Brian E. Mapes,et al.  Diabatic Divergence Profiles in Western Pacific Mesoscale Convective Systems , 1995 .

[129]  T. Dunkerton,et al.  Observation of 3–6-Day Meridional Wind Oscillations over the Tropical Pacific, 1973–1992: Horizontal Structure and Propagation , 1995 .

[130]  V. Magaña,et al.  Mixed Rossby–Gravity Waves Triggered by Lateral Forcing , 1995 .

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