Spectral radiance errors in remote sensing ground studies due to nearby objects.

Attention is given to the error that can occur in all radiometric measurements owing to the presence of nearby objects. When a researcher positions himself on the side of a target point opposite the sun, his body gives rise to two erroneous effects. First, it blocks a portion of the incoming diffuse sky radiance to the target point, and second, it reflects incoming diffuse and direct solar irradiance and ground exitance onto the target point. It is noted that the same phenomenon occurs for any nearby object, whether it be a field truck, a building structure, or a row of trees. This error deriving from nearby objects is often not recognized by researchers or is considered insignificant with no knowledge of its magnitude. The approach taken here is to mathematically model the radiant transfers that take place between the global irradiance, panel, or scene and the object and to report the magnitude of this error for various solar zenith angles, wavelengths, size and distances of objects (steradian blockage), and spectral reflectances of the scene and object. The scene, object, and panel are assumed to be Lambertian, and the object is always located on the side of the target point opposite the sun.