Automatic Floorplanning and Standalone Generation of Bitstream-Level IP Cores

Partially reconfigurable designs on field-programmable gate array (FPGA) bring an opportunity for developers to license third-party intellectual property (IP) cores. There are multiple IP licensing models that can be used by the FPGA IP market. Their focus is mainly on feasibility and security; however, two major challenges have been ignored by almost all of them. First, both academic or industrial tools do not provide a flow to generate IPs in a standalone environment. Second, these tools only offer manual floorplanning of the IPs, which is both time and performance inefficient. In this work, we present a framework, that can be used by multiple parties to generate different parts of a design independently, that are compatible with each other. It also provides automatic floorplanning based on mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) that considers the distribution of heterogeneous resources in modern FPGAs, with efficient resource utilization as the main objective. The proposed floorplanning is evaluated with benchmarks from the related work. Furthermore, a use case of internal and open-source designs is used for the validation and evaluation of the independent IP generation and the floorplanner.

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