Implementation of Educational Services Evaluation Application Based on Weighted Product-Alkin as a Digital Library Evaluation Tool

This evaluation application is a desktop computer program that is used by evaluators or library stakeholders to evaluate digital library services at computer colleges. This application was made by using a combination of Weighted Product (WP) method with one of the educational service evaluation models, namely the Alkin model, so the results from determining effectiveness digital library services level are gained optimally and accurately. The main objective of this research was to obtain an overview of the effectiveness level from the implementation of educational services evaluation application based on WP combined with Alkin as a tool to evaluate the digital library effectiveness. This research used the R&D method with the Borg&Gall development model, which focused on the stage of usage trials, final product revision, dissemination, and implementation. The subjects who involved in assessment towards this implementation of evaluation application were 32 people, subjects in usage trials were six people, subjects in product revision were three people, and subjects in dissemination activities were 12 people. The tools used in data collection were in the form of interview guides and questionnaires. The technique of analysis that was used to analyze the collected data was descriptive statistics. The implementation results of the evaluation application showed that the effectiveness level was relatively good.