Method and apparatus for transmitting and receiving data using full rate full diversity stbc

The invention completely (Full) diversity full data rate, space-time block S / P converter using a code by converting a bit string that is an apparatus for transmitting a data input into a plurality of binary vectors and outputting in parallel to, said plurality of at least two bits and the plurality of binary vectors of the second binary vector of at least two bit combinations each bit / symbol for generating modulated input symbol by mapping groups contained in the contained in the binary vector to the first binary vector of , and a modulator for modulating the output to the complex symbol modulation input symbol output from the bit / symbol mapping unit between each of the same time period, and then encoded using a transmission matrix of complex symbols output from the modulator corresponding to the transmitting antenna a included in the first binary vector, comprising a transmission matrix encoder block to be transmitted via at least two Of bits and the second at least two bits included in the binary vectors it is characterized by the same time interval with each other between the different binary vector deulim. Space time block code (STBC), a multi-antenna, a diversity