Experimental Modal and Finite Element Analyses, Modal Correlation, and Model Tuning for an Aircraft Brake Component
A “torque tube,” part of an aircrafi braking system, was inuestigded both ezperimentally and analytically, M part of a largerpmjcct with th.e goal of deuelopingfinite element models for the prediction of aircraft brake dynamics to fv?quencies as high as 2 kHz. This paper presents a use history of this effort, and COWTS the following trxks: p&f ezperimental modal analysiz (EM.4) including data acquisition, parameter estimation, and development of a test-analysis model (TAM); correlation of FE~4 results with EMA; and tuning of the FE model. Correlation and tuning were used to improve th.e fidelity of the component models and hence their suitability for predicting oremll response when joined together in a system model.