Method for decoding of MPEG-4 video
A decoding method for MPEG-4 digital video having data-partitioned simple profile, and more particularly to a method of constituting an MPEG-4 video decoder having a reasonable error resilience by properly using error resistant algorithms under the circumstances where irrecoverable errors can be added at transmission channel. A method for decoding a bit stream of data-partitioned MPEG-4 video in an error-prone transmission environment characterized by comprising the steps of: searching for a start code of the following VP/VOP in an inputted bit stream; decoding the following VP/VOP headers succeeding the VP/VOP start code; checking the error existence in macroblock addresses (MBAs) using the MBAs of current VP and the following VP; scanning a VP, whose MBA range is determined through previous steps, for error-detection; and carrying out a normal decoding or an error concealment on each macroblock of current VP according to the VP scan result.