Text Hidden in Picture Using Steganography: Algorithms and Implications for Phase Embedding and Extraction Time

Companies, institutions and military often have a n ecessity to communicate a highly sensitive message and always carry the risk of capture text by unauthoriz ed parties. Utilization of text message hiding in t he picture using stegabography appears to be an alternative of predicting the limited text and capacity during em bedding and extraction. For comparative analysis this paper proposed amendments to the existing techniques str ucture, using Robet, Canny, Sobel, Perwitt and Log algorith ms. It exhaustively observes these techniques by so urce coding using Matlab for small text messages and mak es recommendations of such features. After analyzin g the results Canny method shows the better phase embeddi ng and extraction in all the text given. It also proposed security enhancements and presents a novel form of stegangraphy. Keywords-component; Steganography, Robet, Canny, Sobel, Perwitt and Log algorithms, text message