Steady-state multiplicity for autocatalytic reactions in a nonideal mixing of CSTR with two unpremixed feeds

Abstract The necessary and sufficient conditions for multiplicity are derived for isothermal autocatalytic reactions in a nonideal mixing of CSTR with two unpremixed feeds. Cholette's model is utilized in this paper. The ratio of the fraction of the feed for A to B entering the zone of perfect mixing, ( n b n a ), is indicated to determine significantly the multiplicity and uniqueness region. When the ( n b n a ) is larger (smaller) than 1, the multiplicity region decreases (increases), and the conversion in active space increases (decreases). When ( n b n a ) is equal to 1, the multiplicity region and the conversion in active space are the same as those in the ideal mixing. If operating in a unique region in the ideal mixing, the system may show multiplicity when ( n b n a ) . On the other hand, if operating in a multiplicity region in the ideal mixing, the system may show uniqueness when ( n b n a ) > 1 .