In field operations of Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) services, vehicles are the most important tools. Today, the vehicles are increasingly dependent on ICT systems. PPDR responder's need is to enhance mission critical voice with broadband data. Command and control applications aboard a vehicle are commonplace. There is a need to ease situational awareness and decision making by utilizing sensor information, such as satellite or network based position information, living video images. However, each countries and even every single user organization is developing their own solutions according to their legislation and requirements, because uniform standards are missing. The Mobile Object Bus Interaction (MOBI) research project is a kick off for creating a common international ICT infrastructure for all PPDR vehicles. MOBI researches possibilities to further develop and integrate ICT systems, applications and services of PPDR vehicles. MOBI aims at starting development of standards used by like-minded countries and possibly with the European Commission, the European Law Enforcement Agency EUROPOL and the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders FRONTEX.
Philippe Kruchten,et al.
The Rational Unified Process: An Introduction
Jyri Rajamäki,et al.
Designing emergency vehicle ICT integration solution
ICC 2009.
Jyri Rajamaki,et al.
Robust mobile multichannel data communication for Rescue and Law Enforcement Authorities
2010 17th IEEE Symposium on Communications and Vehicular Technology in the Benelux (SCVT2010).
Philippe Kruchten,et al.
What Is the Rational Unified Process ?
Baldini Gianmarco.
Report of the workshop on "Interoperable communications for Safety and Security" with recommendations for Security research
Anri Kivimäki.
Wireless telecommunication standardization processes—actors' viewpoint