서울시 자동차전용도로 운영개선 연구

Motorways are limited-access roads for the exclusive use of certain classes of motor vehicles. They are free of any at-grade crossings with other roads, railways, or pedestrian paths. Seoul has a total of 13 motorways which consist of 10 urban expressways and 3 main arterial roads. Motorways have played important roles in fluent traffic movement and enhanced safety. However in many cases motorways receive significant opposition from nearby residents because they are space-intensive, attract the large traffic volumes, and cause inconvenience to pedestrians and bicyclists. This study aims to evaluate the operational efficiency of motorways and to propose some improvement strategies focusing on the release of motorway designation. The operational efficiency is evaluated based on AHP method with a total of 14 performance indices including travel speed, accident rate, networkability, and long-distance travel ratio, etc. The evaluation produces meaningfully different results for different motorway types. Most of urban expressways are functioning as planned except Jemulpo-gil, where are more vehicles than it can handle. Otherwise the 3 main arterials lose their function because they are subjected to low travel speed, high accident rate, and low long-distance travel ratio. Therefore some improvement strategies such as the release of motorway designation and the revision of laws or regulations need to be implemented to fit current operational conditions. Nambusunhwan-ro(Oryu IC~Guro IC, 3.2㎞) is recommended to be released from motorway designation to reduce citizens’ inconvenience. The evaluation result shows the lowest value in terms of efficiency mainly because operational issues and problems that are prohibited or restricted by laws or regulation are easily observed for this section such as pedestrian crosswalk and sidewalk, bus stop, and motorcycle access. Yangjae-daero marks a lower efficiency score than most of motorways as well as it also has several prohibited facilities. From a roadway network perspective, however, it plays an important role in connecting major trunk roads. In more details Yangjae-daero will connect Gangnamsunhwan expressway, whose construction will be completed at 2018, with Dongbugansun expressway. As a result it is better way to keep Yangjae-daero designated as a motorway. Nodle-gil has not only a low efficiency but also it causes severe inconvenience and confusion to motorcyclists crossing Seongsan-daegyo from north to south. They violates laws in their own despite because all of the roads connected to Seongsan-daegyo at south, Nodle-gil and Seobugansun expressway, are motorways where motorcycles are prohibited from traveling. Therefore it is recommended to move the western starting point of a motorway from the north end of Yanghwa-gyo to the south end of Yanghwa-daegyo. From a different standpoint, it is necessary to ask central government to revise the laws or regulations for the separate facility standards applicable to urban expressways and main arterials respectively. In addition, the improvement of visibility and readability of road signs and the introduction of road marks need to be considered to reduce the traffic accidents. Finally it also needs to be studied carefully, from a long-term point of view, whether to grant a permission for motorcyclists to use motorways to get a better equity between modes. This study is expected to provide a logical basis for deciding whether to release motorway designation of the roads having a low operational efficiency, and to suggest a direction for improvement in the operation of the existing motorways.