Experiments Adapting an Open-Domain Question Answering System to the Geographical Domain Using Scope-Based Resources

This paper describes an approach to adapt an existing multilingual Open-Domain Question Answering (ODQA) system for factoid questions to a Restricted Domain, the Geographical Domain. The adaptation of this ODQA system involved the modification of some components of our system such as: Question Processing, Passage Retrieval and Answer Extraction. The new system uses external resources like GNS Gazetteer for Named Entity (NE) Classification and Wikipedia or Google in order to obtain relevant documents for this domain. The system focuses on a Geographical Scope: given a region, or country, and a language we can semi-automatically obtain multilingual geographical resources (e.g. gazetteers, trigger words, groups of place names, etc.) of this scope. The system has been trained and evaluated for Spanish in the scope of the Spanish Geography. The evaluation reveals that the use of scope-based Geographical resources is a good approach to deal with multilingual Geographical Domain Question Answering.