近代 國語 筆寫本資料에서의 ‘ㄹ-ㄴ’表記에 대한 小考

We know, in the latter middle Korean and contemporary Korean, the fact about the phonemes ‘ㄹ-ㄹ’ chain(ex. 홀ㄹ, 흘러 etc.) in which appears in-between two vowels is transcribed with ‘ㄹ-ㄴ’ some of them rarely and others wholly among the modern Korean xylographic data. In addition to this xylographic data, we have confirmed that ‘ㄹ-ㄹ’ chain is transcribed with ‘ㄹ-ㄴ’ very regularly in Korean hand-written data(Syeonbugun Eonhayngyusa [션부군 언항유사] and Byeongjarok [병자록]). The whole things that had been discussed were the matter of a simple transcriptional problem about such phenomenon, that is, ‘ㄹ-ㄹ’ chain transcription between two vowels of the latter middle Korean is transcribed with ‘ㄹ-ㄴ’ chain in modern Korean times. This was confirmed by Lee Gi-Mun and Ahn Pyong-Hi?Lee Kwang-Ho. But we do not think that this is a simple transcriptional difference but at microscopic standpoint, we have rather interpreted that the phonological and phonetic facts by the group of speakers of modern Korean times have intervened. The basis was found on the point where Korean ‘ㄹ’ appears to be a lateral sound [l] at the last syllable and flap sound [?] at the initial syllable. That is, Korean ‘ㄹ-ㄹ’ chain should have natuarally appeared by ‘[l]-[?]’ at the last syllable and at the initial syllable but the latter flap sound ‘ㄹ’[?] had been assimilated nearly into [l] by the effect of former lateral sound ‘ㄹ’[l]. This we had marked by [L]. Therefore, the latter middle Korean ‘ㄹ-ㄹ’ chain had been changed from ‘[l]-[?]’ into ‘[l]-[L]’; however, this is nothing but a transcription that had appeared as a consequence of perceiving ‘[l]-[l]’ by the speakers of the times. This chain ‘ㄹ-ㄹ’ can not be pronounced simultaneously by [l l] in-between two vowels but one [l]. Just as this, by not perceiving ‘ㄹ-ㄹ’([l]-[l]) chain but by ‘ㄴ’ instead of the latter ‘ㄹ’ for the latter middle Korean ‘ㄹ-ㄹ’, the modern Korean times speakers had insisted that ‘ㄹ[l]-ㄹ[L]’ had been changed to ‘ㄹ[?]-ㄹ[n]’ at microscopic standpoint. Since the latter ‘ㄹ’ was perceived by ‘ㄴ’ in the ‘ㄹ-ㄹ’ chain, the former lateral sound ‘ㄹ’[l] had rather become palatal lateral [?]. If you agree to the point that the cognition of the group of speakers at the times that had dealt ordinarily for a simple transcriptional problem by observing the matter with a little more microscopic standpoint for ‘ㄹ-ㄹ’ chain, which was formed in-between two vowels of the latter middle Korean that can be considered regular at certain extent in modern Korean that was transcribed by ‘ㄹ-ㄴ’ of which that can be understood correctly, I would say the purpose of this paper has been accomplished at certain degree.