Public health advocacy and tobacco control : making smoking history

PART I. Major Challenges for Tobacco Control This Century. 1 Death is Inevitable, So Why Bother With Tobacco Control?. Ethical Issues and Tobacco Control. 2 The Place of Advocacy in Tobacco Control. 3 The News on Smoking. 4 Dead Customers are Unprofitable Customers: Potential and Pitfalls in Harm Reduction and Product Regulation. 5 Accelerating Smoking Cessation and Prevention in Whole Communities. 6 The Denormalisation of Smoking. 7 Vector Control: Controlling the Tobacco Industry and its Promotions. 8 Making Smoking History: How Low Can We Go?. Part II An A-Z of Tobacco Control Advocacy Strategy. Introduction. Ten basic questions for planning advocacy strategy. AN A-Z OF STRATEGY. Accuracy. Acronyms. Action alerts. Advertising in advocacy. Analogies, metaphors, similes and word pictures. Anniversaries. Be there! The first rule of advocacy. Bluff. Boycotts. Bureaucratic constraints. Celebrities. Columnists. Creative epidemiology. Criticising government. Demonstrations. Divide and rule. Doctors. Editorials. Elitism. Engaging communities. Fact sheets. Gate-crashing. Infiltration. Inside and outside the tent. Internet. Interview strategies. Jargon and ghetto language. Know your opposition. Learning from other campaigners. Letters to politicians. Letters to the editor. Local newspapers. Mailing lists. Marginal seats. Media cannibalism (or how media feed off each other). Media conferences. Media etiquette. Media logs. Media releases (press releases). Meeting with the tobacco industry. Networks and coalitions. Online polls. Op-ed opinion page access. Open letters. Opinion polls. Opportunism. Parody. Petitions. Pictures and graphics. Piggy-backing. Precedents. Press agencies. Private sector alliances. Publicising others' research. Radicalism. Reporters and journalists. Scream test. Shareholders. Slow news days. Strategic research. Talent (spokespeople). Talkback (access) radio. Targeting or narrowcasting. Whistle-blowers. Wolves in sheep's clothing