Electron Microscopy Study of Chick Embryo Erythrocytes

Summary Electron micrographs of os-mosis-hemolyzed erythrocytes from healthy chick embryos are presented. The cells are examined unfixed, unstained; formalin-fixed., unstained; formalin-fixed, hematoxylin stained; formalin-fixed, safranin stained; formalin-fixed, methyl green stained; osmic acid fixed unstained; and silver nitrate-fixed, unstained. Unfixed, unstained erythrocytes prepared by the technic employed showed a transparent cytoplasm so that the direct visualization of intracytoplasmic parasites might be possible by this procedure. Some nuclear structure was observed, and there is evidence for the existence of a cell membrane. Fixed erythrocytes clearly showed an envelope. Fixation and drying produced specimen changes, and in the specimens examined the processes of electron microscopy provoked les radical changes than did the fixation.