Active Image Synthesis for Efficient Labeling.

The great success achieved by deep neural networks attracts increasing attention from the manufacturing and healthcare communities. However, the limited availability of data and high costs of data collection are the major challenges for the applications in those fields. We propose in this work AISEL, an active image synthesis method for efficient labeling, to improve the performance of the small-data learning tasks. Specifically, a complementary AISEL dataset is generated, with labels actively acquired via a physics-based method to incorporate underlining physical knowledge at hand. An important component of our AISEL method is the bidirectional generative invertible network (GIN), which can extract interpretable features from the training images and generate physically meaningful virtual images. Our AISEL method then efficiently samples virtual images not only further exploits the uncertain regions but also explores the entire image space. We then discuss the interpretability of GIN both theoretically and experimentally, demonstrating clear visual improvements over the benchmarks. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our AISEL framework on aortic stenosis application, in which our method lowers the labeling cost by 90% while achieving a 15% improvement in prediction accuracy.

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